The majority of top ranking free iPhone photo and video apps now offer in-app purchasing features

In-app purchasing options are becoming vital revenue source for leading photo and video apps

A new study by Suite 48 Analytics, a leading research and analysis firm for the mobile photography market, reveals 55 percent of the 98 top ranking free photo and video apps on iPhone now offer in-app purchasing features. These features typically allow users to buy additional functionality or remove advertisements from their apps. Thirty-six prcent of all top ranking free and paid photo and video apps on iPhone or iPad offer in-app purchasing, according to the study.

A further analysis of the 25 iPhone photo and video apps generating the highest gross revenues reveals almost half (12 out of 25) offer in-app purchasing. Six of them on iPhone and eight on iPad rely entirely on in-app purchasing for their revenues since the app itself is free. Free top grossing iOS apps include Adobe Photoshop Express, Pic Stitch, Photo Editor by Aviary, and Adobe Revel.

“In-app purchasing is often portrayed as a new trend, but it has been widely offered by photo and video apps for quite some time now, especially among the more popular apps,” says Hans Hartman, principal analyst, Suite 48. “In fact, the current top ranking photo and video apps with in-app purchasing features have, on average, been on the market longer than those without.”

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